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Christmas 2019
Advent & Christmas Worship Schedule12/1/2019 - 10 AM Service 1st Sunday of Advent Star lit in sanctuary preparing for the birth of Christ 12/8/2019 - 10 AM Service 2nd Sunday of Advent Dressing of the manger & "Friendly Beasts" song Mission Moment for Olivet's Children & Youth 12/15/2019 - 10 AM Service 3rd Sunday of Advent Star moves closer to the manger 12/22/2019 - Christmas Sunday 4th Sunday of Advent 12/24/2019 - Christmas Eve Services: 7 PM - Family & Candlelight Service 11 PM - Holy Night Candlelight Service with Communion 12/29/2019 - 10 AM 1st Sunday after Christmas/New Year's Eve 1/5/2020 - 10 AM Epiphany Sunday Three Magi bring gifts!
Special EventsPlease visit the Calendar to see all events at Olivet during the Christmas season! United Methodist Women's Christmas Party! All women are invited to the UMW Christmas Party on Tuesday evening Dec. 3, 2019 from 7 - 9 PM in McKinney Hall. Caleb Schwandt will provide a musical program for us and play as we sing carols. We will have devotions and will share fellowship as we enjoy cookies, ice cream, punch, and coffee/tea. We are also collecting underwear and toiletries for vegerans at the Coatesville VA Hospital. Please donate (new) men's underwear in sizes L, XL, and XXL, as well as long underwear in any size. We will also collect men's body wash, deoderant, and shaving cream. Please do not donate anything with alcohol (such as mouthwash or aftershave). Gifts should be unwrapped. Please bring them to the Garden Room (the large room outside of the sanctuary) by December 15, or bring to the Christmas party on Dec. 3. Shop with a Cop! Saturday, December 14, 2019 from 8 AM - Noon Olivet once again will play host to this year's annual "Shop with a Cop" program run by the Coatesville Police Department and Hope Beyond Borders. Our partners are very active in the local community and always invite Olivet to participate. Each year our local police officers gather with children in need and go shopping at Wal-Mart! The officers help them in understanding not to fear the police and when to ask for help (especially when they can't reach that top shelf!) There will be a police and fire escort parade from Olivet to Wal-Mart in Parkesburg for this event. Parking will be tight in and around the church. Volunteers are needed to help with set up & clean up at church between 8 AM & 10 AM or to wrap gifts at Wal-Mart starting at 10 AM. If interested in volunteering please contact Steve Wilson at steve at Christmas Celebration On December 22nd, the children of Olivet will be celebrating the birth of Jesus! We will meet for our usual Children's Church hour (10 am) and then parents will join us after the service. We will be decorating cookies, making a craft, and enjoying a time of celebration. All families are welcome to attend this party.
Christmas Mission - Holiday Gifting TreeA Christmas tree will be set up in the narthex beginning December 1 where members of our congregation can decorate the branches with new hats, gloves, scarves, and socks for children of all ages. The items of clothing will be given to children in our community in need of warmth during the coming winter weather. Let's all help fill the branches with colorful items of clothing!
Shopping at This Holiday Season?
Olivet is now registered for Amazon Smile. That means when you click the image to the left or go to to place your order, Olivet will receive .5% back on your purchase.
You can purchase the same merchandise at the same prices with the same service. This is a great way for you to help Olivet while paying for your own purchases.
Please save this link in your favorites and use each time you make an Amazon purchase.
Please contact Michelle Malick if you have any questions.

Olivet United Methodist Church
"Oh, see how they love each other"
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